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This endpoint will return every event which is currently open for betting at Purebet.
The response contains sports, sports contain leagues, leagues contain events, events contain markets, markets contain market sides
Each event contains the following attributes.
event: string, the name of the event
highlight: boolean, whether or not this event is highlighted on the Purebet website
homeTeam: string, the name of the home team in this event
awayTeam: string, the name of the away team in this event
startDate: number, seconds since January 1st 1970, UTC (unix format), of the starting time of this event
moneyline or full_time_result: object, information for the moneyline or full_time_result market of this event. Note: the attribute full_time_result only appears for soccer events, and is an object with 3 attributes: home, away, and draw. Each of these points to a market.
over_under: array of market objects, information for different totals lines of this event
handicap: array of market objects, information for different handicap lines of this event
Each market contains the following attributes.
id1: number, needed to place a bet on this market through the Purebet API
id2: number, also needed to place a bet on this market through the Purebet API
(line: number, the value of the over_under or home handicap line. Not shown in moneyline or full_time_result markets)
home or over or Back: object, contains information about the home or over or Back market side.
away or under or Lay: object, contains information about the away or under or Lay market side.
sport: string, the sport to which this event belongs, at the time of writing will be one of soccer, americanfootball, tennis, esports, basketball, hockey, cryptocurrency, politics
Each market side contains the following attributes.
highestOdds: number, the highest odds on this market side
stakeAtHighestOdds: number, the amount in USDC that can be risked at these odds and matched
secondHighestOdds: number, the second highest odds on this market side
stakeAt2ndHighestOdds: number, the amount in USDC that can be risked at these odds and matched. Note that this number does not include stakeAtHighestOdds.
thirdHighestOdds: number, the third highest odds on this market side
stakeAt3rdHighestOdds: number, the amount in USDC that can be risked at these odds and matched. Note that this number does not include stakeAtHighestOdds nor stakeAt2ndHighestOdds.
For Lay market sides, all odds are in backer's odds, and all stakes are denoted in the risk of the lay bettor, not the stake placed by the back bettor.
Also note that full_time_result markets return 3 different id pairs, each for the home, draw, and away markets.
The response can be filtered by adding optional parameters to the query URL.
Returning only events for a particular sport by using the sport
When this optional parameters is present, the API response returns leagues from that sport which contain events which contain markets. Note: only events within 24 hours are returned. For events further in the future, use filtering by league.
We now support filtering by multiple sports. This is done using the sports
filter and passing in a comma separated list of sport names. This should be used sparingly and with only a small number of sports. Requesting many sports will cause a timeout. It is intended to be used by frontend operators. Filtering by multiple leagues is preferred.
Returning only events for a particular league by using the league
When this optional parameters is present, the API response is a list of events from that league which contain markets.
We now support filtering by multiple leagues. This is done using the leagues
filter and passing in a comma separated list of league abbreviations. This should be used sparingly and with only a small number of leagues. Requesting many leagues will cause a timeout. It is intended to be used by frontend operators.
Returning only markets for a particular event or market ID by using the filterBy
filterBy: string, either "market" or "event", get a specific event or market. If filterBy is set to "event", then given any id1 and id2 combination of a market within that event, the API will return all markets of that event.
id1: number, id1 of the market
id2: number, id2 of the market
When these optional parameters are present, the API response is an Event or Market object, depending on filterBy.
lastUpdated: unix timestamp, shows the last time the orderbook was updated. Old orderbooks do not necessarily mean they are out of date, just that no change has occurred in the odds. However, if you are having bet placement issues, you can .
sport: string, a sport name from the list of available sports. The full list can be found by calling the getSports endpoint ()
Example URL:
Example URL:
league: string, a league abbreviation from the list of available abbreviations. The full list can be found by calling the getLeaguesFor endpoint followed by the sport parameter. e.g.:
Example URL:
Example URL:
Example URL:
Returns all events and their respective markets and orderbooks